Skin Color:H239 S95 B37 Mask: Red
Body Type :Male 02
Profile Name: Raphael short name: Raphael Nick Name : Ninja Turtle Strategy:
Appearance: Figure: Whole Body: W +40, H -42, D +100 Face Figure: Face: V 0, D 0, W +100, L
+28, D +28, CheekBones: V 0, D 0, W +100, H +100 OutLine: ALL 0 Jaw: ALL 0 Eye Brown: All 0 Eyes: H 0, V 0,
D +10, W +52, L -64, P +4, Y +2, R 0 Nose: All 0 but Pitch = -21 Mouth: All 0 Lip Angle: All 0
Figure: Crown: W -100, L: -46, D -100 Head: All 0 Neck: All 0 But L -56 Shoulder: ALL +18 Upper Arm: ALL +26 ForeArm:
ALL +22 Hand: ALL +8 Chest: ALL +10 Abdomen: ALL 0 Waist: ALL 0 Thigh: ALL +18 Calf: ALL +48 Feet: ALL
HEAD: Hair style: None Eyes: Eyes shape: Triangle Eye Eyelashes: Male Normal Iris: Special White EYE
BROW: Form: Thin color: 2nd row color 6 medium green NOSE: Form: Wide MOUTH: Form: Thin lips 02 MUSTACHE:
NONE OUTLINE: Face line 05 WRINKLES: NONE DECORATION(LOWER): Form:Common: Face Patter 1 ** Must do it on tool
paint(orange mask of the face) DECORATION(Upper): Form: Common: Face Patter 02 ** Must do it on tool paint (teeth) MASK:
BODY: Body:Form: Blood Vessel:Color: 2nd row color 6 medium green Inner Wear:Base:Form: Battle Vest 02 color:
1&2 custom H328 S73 B60 patter1: Form:Common: Belt(must do it on tool paint) common settin torso Out Wear: None Bottom
Wear:Form:Short Tights 01: Color: custom H328 S73 B60
GEAR: Gear 1: Fringe:color: All Custom H342 S83 B 100 Regulate:
Head: H -1, V +8, D -1, W +52, H +100, D +36, P +3, Y +44, R +54 Gear 2: Shield Knight:Color:1st raw color #5 brown Regulate:Chest:
H 0, V -6, D -17, W -68, H +60, D +100, P -4, Y 0, R +53
ACCESSORIES: Elbow:Both:Form:Bandage:color:1rst raw
color#5 brown Wrist:Both:Form:Bandage short: color:1rst raw color#5 brown Hand: None Knee:Both:Form:Bandage:color:1rst
raw color#5 brown Socks: None Footwear:Base:Form:Samurai Socks:color:custom H232 S84 B60